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“Would you pay $1.35 a day for 10 days

 to kill the Covid-19 virus,

before it had the chance to kill you?”


Of course, you would.


Isn’t it about time that we applied “some basic common sense” in our war against the Covid-19 virus?


Of course, we should.


After serving as President of the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, and after founding Gallagher Financial Systems to provide enterprise mortgage lending solutions to banks, I, Douglas Gallagher, was convinced that we should never allow “the perfect to be the enemy of the good”.


It is precisely why the opposition to taking HydroxyChloroquine and Azithromycin (ZPak) must be fought.

It is extremely important for me to forcefully state right from the outset of this message, that every patient should always consult with their doctor before beginning to take any medications.


Hydroxychloroquine and ZPak might well have side effects or contraindications that should be considered by a patient and their doctor.


Many well-meaning academicians and members of the medical establishment, believe that they are acting in the best interests of all of Americans by blocking the broader use of HydroxyChloroquine and ZPak combined. I most forcefully beg to differ with this drumbeat of critics who want more proof while millions of our fellow citizens of the world continue to be sickened by this virus.


With a combination of a generic HydroxyChloroquine and ZPak which can be very quickly distributed across our nation and the world at large, it is completely unnecessary to require more studies that might restrict access to these highly efficacious and relatively inexpensive drugs at a cost of $1.35 per day.


When you are at war, as we find ourselves today, albeit against a most unusual silent killer such as the CoronaVirus, there is no substitute for the most aggressive countermeasures.


My advocacy for a rapid increase in the use of these drugs for the front line doctors, nurses, and other care givers is based upon “good old fashion common sense”.


Quite frankly, the emerging groundswell of support for a more aggressive use of HydroxyChloroquine together with ZPak applies to both Prophylactic protection for these front line care givers and efficacious clinical treatment of patients with Covid-19. 


In fact, in a recent new controlled clinical study conducted by Dr. Didier Raoult of Marseille, France, shows that a combo of HydroxyChloroquine and ZPak cures 100% of CoronaVirus patients within 6 days of treatments.


Dr Didier Raoult, a renowned French Research Scientist and Medical Doctor, conducted three consecutive studies of the efficacy of Hydroxy Chloroquine, the first with 30 infected patients, the second with 80 infected patients, and the third with some 1,000 infected patients.


And here is what the study results showed: “that 100% of patients that received a combination of the two anti-malaria drugs tested negative and were virologically cured within 6 days of treatment.”


Interestingly, Dr. Didier Raoult refused to administer a placebo to any of his patients who were a part of his evaluations of the drugs effectiveness in treating Covid-19 patients. His interpretation of his own Hippocratic Oath was that he could not in good conscience conduct a traditional double blind study of these drugs with patients who were so seriously ill from this virus. Is this not the pragmatic use of “basic common sense”?


My sincere belief is that if this drug, Hydroxychloroquine was effective in protecting our armed forces overseas many decades ago from Malaria, then it will more than likely protect millions of our fellow Americans and other citizens of the world during this Pandemic attack.


Hydroxychloroquine has been actively prescribed for more than 70 years as an anti-Malaria drug, and is an effective drug for Lupus patients, and for treating Rheumatoid Arthritis.


Because the United States of America and most of the rest of the world were caught completely off guard by the spread of the Pandemic worldwide CoronaVirus, a new world response must be forthcoming. Unfortunately, it is not likely that the World Health Organization and/or the United Nations are presently capable of dealing effectively with this Pandemic virus. Our response must be measured and effective from day one.


CPRIS, “CoronaVirus Pandemic Response for International Survival,” is an international non-profit organization, in formation, with the mission to promote preventive measures against global Pandemics.


It is imperative that the inexpensive and efficacious combination of Hydroxychloroquine and ZPak, can provide protection to millions of front-line health care workers who are fighting so effectively against this silent killer. Let us launch our best efforts, to combat this attack on our very way of life and our economic future.


It is important to mention that in a number of south and central American countries; these drugs are often available without a prescription.


In fact, in Brazil, India, South Korea & China, there appear to be confirmatory reports of efficacious results using the Hydroxy Chloroquine and ZPak in killing the virus and also, in providing Prophylactic protection against the CoronaVirus.

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